Invisalign treatment for straightening teeth!


Clear Braces in Eltham

Would you love to straighten your teeth without having to resort to traditional ‘train-track’ braces? Well now you can!

The team at AR Smiles is delighted to offer the hugely popular Invisalign treatment for straightening misaligned teeth. This excellent programme enables you to get the straight, beautiful smile you have always wanted without having to compromise on comfort or discretion! 

Invisalign uses bespoke aligners to gently move the teeth into the desired position whilst maintaining your comfort and smile aesthetic. The aligners can also be removed for cleaning and eating, which makes for much easier maintenance compared to metal brace systems. 

At our clinic, we ensure that we provide a completely personalised plan for your individual needs, and we never compromise on aesthetics or health. We will ensure all our patients finish with a beautiful and stunning smile.

We are also proud to offer additional services that work in harmony with Invisalign for each individual patient to provide the smile of your dreams. In order to give a holistic and fully consented approach, our friendly team can also chat to you about teeth straightening, whitening, composite bonding and veneers.

So, if you want to straighten your teeth using a discrete and comfortable way, without traditional metal braces, Invisalign at AR Smiles is the place for you!

How Does Invisalign Work? 

Traditional braces use wires and brackets to move the teeth. Instead, Invisalign uses bespoke plastic aligners to gently push the teeth into the desired position. The aligners are worn for most of the day and night (over 23 hours), typically only to be removed for cleaning, eating or an important event such as an interview. 

This process has some exceptional benefits, including:

  • Less noticeable
  • Less discomfort than traditional braces 
  • Easier oral hygiene maintenance 
  • No need to change your diet 
  • Less disruption to how you sound when you speak 
  • Easy-clean trays 

The Invisalign Process

Typical Payment Terms: Two arches cost from £3500 depending on complexity. This will include all appointments, removable retainers and a bonded retainer (if appropriate). We also offer some amazing package deals, which include whitening.

Step One - FREE

The first step to getting Invisalign is a free consultation with an Invisalign-trained dentist at AR Smiles. This consultation enables us to:

  • Evaluate your smile and oral health
  • Create an introduction to your treatment plan using an Intraoral scan and treatment simulation – you will actually see a mock-up of your new smile!
  • Answer any questions you may have about Invisalign 
  • Discussion of all your aesthetic treatment options, including orthodontics (Invisalign), whitening, composite bonding and veneers.

The consultation for Invisalign is designed to provide an introduction to the treatment, and the potential results it could offer. 

Step Two - £200

If you are happy with the first appointment and wish to go ahead, we will then discuss your individual treatment plan and options in detail. 

At this stage we can offer you something called ‘ClinCheck’ - the cost of this is £200. It enables you to see exactly how your teeth look now, how they will look at every stage of treatment and how many aligners will be needed. 

Step Three – 3 - 4 weeks later - £1300

At this stage we will review ClinCheck with you so you can see the exact plan for your teeth. If you feel happy at this stage we can order your bespoke aligners for you. This is where the £1300 payment is taken and we plan the next appointments and your payment schedule with you. 

Step Four – 3 - 4 weeks later

At this stage you will come in for your aligners and we will show you how to use them. Maintenance and care of the aligners, as well as oral health advice will also be covered. 

Step Five

At the end of the treatment plan your dentist will check your smile and it may be that some final aligners are used to complete any detail work for the perfect finish. Once those aligners have worked we will discuss retainer systems with you to ensure you keep your stunning new Invisalign smile for the foreseeable future! At this point we can also discuss final touches with bonding, whitening and veneers if needed.

Who Is Invisalign Suitable For?

You may have the impression that Invisalign only works on minor misalignment issues, when in fact, it can correct crowding, gaps and turned teeth well in many instances. The system is incredibly sophisticated, enabling orthodontists to adjust the plan to suit the individual precisely, and accurately, for excellent results. 

If you would love to try Invisalign and you don’t know if you’re suitable for it, the first step is a consultation with AR Smiles. Invisalign is suitable for many people, but if it isn’t right for you, we have plenty of alternatives that can help you achieve your dream smile!

To find out more about Invisalign and our other teeth straightening options, please call the team at AR Smiles today on 020 8856 7759. The smile you’ve always wanted is just around the corner!

Copyright 2022 AR Smiles Ltd

Design by Dental Media

416 Well Hall Road, Eltham, London, SE9 6UD
Site last updated December 2023
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